Soon Tom Riddle revealed himself as not only the Heir of Slytherin, but also Lord Voldemort, Harry Potter's archenemy. He had Ginny write the second message in order to lure Harry down to the Chamber so they could meet. Harry found Ginny unconscious and was dying, then the memory of Tom Riddle appeared who confessed to Harry how he used Ginny to carry out the attacks. Harry was parted from the both of them when Lockhart attempted to wipe their memories and then his spell backfired on him and then rock fell and Harry was left on the side of the road to the Chamber while Ron and Lockhart were on the other side. After this discovery, Harry and Ron went down into the Chamber of Secrets to rescue Ginny, taking the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart who had unintentionally revealed his lifestyle of fraudulence to the two boys. When this message was discovered, Minerva McGonagall decided that Hogwarts would surely have to close. The second message written by Ginny said "Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever". " Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever." - The second message means that the basilisk would be hunting for these Muggle-Borns in the school. " Enemies of the heir" means Muggle-Borns or " Mudbloods" (those who were "unworthy" to attend at Hogwarts). The meaning of first message would be translated as: " The Chamber of Secrets has been opened", means that the basilisk had been released.

įilch tried to clean the message away with Mrs Skower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover, to no avail. Then they saw the first message written on the wall, as well as Mrs Norris, the pet cat of the caretaker Argus Filch, had been petrified (by looking at the Basilisk's glaze in the water on the floor) and were hanging from a torch, put there by Ginny.

They arrived at the corridor where Harry thought he could hear the voice, where they saw that the corridor were flooded with water from Moaning Myrtle's Bathroom.

The message was discovered on 31 October, 1992 on the wall by Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger when they left Nearly-Headless Nick's deathday party when Harry suddenly heard a disembodied voice speaking which Ron and Hermione were unable to hear. The first message written by Ginny Weasley said "The Chamber of Secrets has been opened. ENEMIES OF THE HEIR, BEWARE." - The first message " THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS HAS BEEN OPENED. Riddle later left Hogwarts and began travelling the world, experimenting with the Dark Arts, he would ultimately arise as the feared Lord Voldemort. The only person who believed that Hagrid was innocent was Albus Dumbledore who kept an annoyingly close watch on Riddle after the expulsion. Armando Dippet, who was Headmaster at the time was thinking about closing Hogwarts, but in order to keep the school open, Riddle stopped the attacks and framed Rubeus Hagrid and his pet spider Aragog and the former was expelled. ĭuring the school year of 1942– 1943, Riddle opened the Chamber and the Basilisk petrified several students and killed a girl, Myrtle Warren. Later, Slytherin's true heir Tom Riddle was born and he sought to finish Slytherin's noble work of purging the school of all Muggle-borns. When a true heir of Salazar Slytherin returns to Hogwarts, the heir would open the Chamber and unleash the basilisk to purge the school of all who were "unworthy" to study magic. He was unable to convince the other three founders of this since they thought otherwise and as a result, Slytherin left the school, but not before building a secret chamber in the castle which would be called "The Chamber of Secrets" and inside it concealed a Basilisk.

For many years, the founders worked together, but then differences began to arise: Slytherin only wanted to admit students coming from purely magical families ( Pure-bloods) and keep Muggle-borns out, who he deemed as untrustworthy because of the great conflict between wizardkind and muggles. Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin.